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Pension Payment CalendarCheck mailed March 28, 2025Direct deposit March 31, 2025

Board Elections 

In accordance with the Board of Retirement’s Election Procedures, four members of the Board are elected directly by the KCERA membership. General members vote for candidates to fill the Second Member and Third Member seats. Safety members vote to fill the Seventh Member seat. Retired members vote to fill the Eighth Member seat. (Safety and retired members also elect one alternate each.)

Elected trustees serve a three-year term, at the end of which is an election. Incumbent trustees may choose to run for another term as long as they continue to meet the eligibility requirements of the board seat. When a candidate runs unopposed (i.e., no one else applies), that person is said to be “appointed in lieu of an election.”

Interested in becoming a Trustee?

Trustee Requirements. KCERA's Board of Retirement is the exclusive governing and policy-making body of KCERA. It's primary mandate is to provide KCERA members with retirement benefits promised by their employers (i.e., KCERA's Plan Sponsors). The Boards Key Roles: Setting policy and establishing guidelines for KCERA's efficient opporation. Pension asset management- Control the investment of pension assets. Service provider selection. Chose external professional service providers.  Staff Recruitment- Hire executive staff to lead KCERA. Disability Retirement- rile on disability retirement applications. Fund disbursement-authorize the disbursement of funds. Contribution Rates and Actuarial assumptions- Adopt rates and assumptions. Benefits' administration- administer retirement benefits effectively and lawfully. Time requirements- Attend monthly board meetings. Attend committee meetings as assigned. review agenda material prior to meetings. attend conferences to fulfill training requirements.  The Board is comprised of: The Kern County treasurer-tax  collector. Four appointed members from the Kern County Board of Supervisors.  Four elected Members from the KCERA membership, which includes one safety and one general members. Two alternate members, one each elected by safety and retired members. Educational requirements: trustees are required to undergo a minimum of 24 hours of trustee education within the first two years of assuming office and for every subsequent two year period the trustee continues to hold office on the board. Mandated training topics: Ethics, sexual harassment, New trustee orientation. Additional trining topics include: fiduciary responsablilities, investments and investment programs, manage actuarial matters and pension governance. for additional questions email or call 661-381-7700